Thursday, March 13, 2014

Aly's Dream Polish - Tiffanytea and Cheeky Lychee Review

Okay, lovelies, tonight's blog post isn't going to be as in depth as my posts usually are (I'm sure you are all jumping for joy right now at not having to read one of my very long, drawn out ramblings). The reason for this is the fact that a.) I have already done a very in depth review of Aly's (see my previous review on Aly's if you would like more information) and b.) it has been a very long day (I'm flipping exhausted). 

I know that I haven't been posting as much as I should (or could), and I just want you all to know that I will be working very hard to remedy this. Being a full time mom, girlfriend, pet owner, and college student is very time consuming, and lately I've simply been too exhausted to even think about swatching or writing up a review. But, no more, I say! Anyhow, I'm pretty sure you guys are ready for me to get to the good part...

Aly's Dream Polish! Fabulous indie polish maker located right here in the good ol' U.S. Of A! I'm pretty sure that everyone who has ever tried Aly's can attest to the fact that her polishes are top notch, and so freaking pretty. All of Aly's lacquers are handmade with cosmetic grade/high quality craft materials and are 4-free. Aly's has a ton of breathtakingly gorgeous colors. Such an amazing selection, and absolutely worth a look!

Since I live in Maine, and instead of having nice Spring weather, we just got a massive snow storm last night, I thought a Spring-ish looking mani would make me feel better. And what says Spring time better than pastels? The polishes I used for this manicure are Aly's Dream Polish Tiffanytea with Cheeky Lychee as an accent. Both of these polishes are part of the Macaron Collection, which I am absolutely in love with and am in the process of procuring.

Tiffanytea is a Tiffany blue holographic nail polish. It has a scattered, light holographic effect. 

Cheeky Lychee is a pastel pink holographic nail polish with scattered holo.

For this manicure I used my ONS basecoat. I then applied two relatively thin coats of Tiffanytea with two thin coats of Cheeky Lychee on my ring finger to achieve full opacity. I finished off by applying one thick coat of my HK Girl topcoat.

Both of these polishes were beautifully made, with great formulas. They are both very thin, but not enough to be runny, and application with these polishes was very easy. These polishes do not have a strong odor, and I really love the applicator brushes for these. I also really enjoy the fact that Aly's nail polishes are very consistent. I have four Aly's Dream Polishes right now and all of them apply the same and have the same finish. These polishes are just amazing

And there you have it, folks! The total awesomeness that is Aly's Dream Polish! I will definitely be a lifetime customer, simply because of the consistency that Aly offers. Consistency, in my opinion, is extremely important. I can't wait to add more of these beauties to my collection!

You can visit the Aly's Dream Polish website by clicking here
If you want to stay up to date on new things happening at Aly's, you can like them on Facebook by clicking here.

And, here's your daily dose of Dexter! Here is a picture of him after he had just eaten an entire chihuahua-sized cheeseburger. He was pooped!

That's all for tonight, ladies and gents! If you like what you see, click the follow button on the right hand side! If you really, really like it, click the 'Like' button on the right side of this page! I will have more polish-y goodness for you guys really soon!


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