Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I've Been Nominated For A Liebster Award!

Picture taken from Sassy Little Nails.

So, the lovely Emma of Emma's Space has nominated me for a Liebster Award. This is the first award I have been nominated for, so I'm pretty excited about it. Here are the rules for the Liebster Award Challenge:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You answer the 11 questions set by that person.
3. Choose 11 bloggers who have under 200 bloglovin' followers to nominate for a Liebster Award.
4.Post 11 questions for those nominated to answer.

Here are the answers to the questions I was asked (I'm also really excited because this is my first Q&A post, and I adore Q&A's).

    1. Do you have a useful beauty/nail care/nail art tip you could share? I actually have a lot of useful beauty/ nail care/ nail art tips; so many that it would take me several blog posts to share all of them. I suppose that's what happens when you go to cosmetology school. Haha! But, for now we'll go with: If you enjoy using semi-permanent hair color, but have trouble with it fading too quickly, make sure you are using sulfate free shampoo! This will help the color last longer.
    2. Are you part of any blogging/nail art challenges? I am not currently part of any challenges, however, I can't wait to do some in the future!
    3. What is the weather like right now where you are blogging from? It's cold, and it's snowing. It's also beautiful outside because of the snow. But I hate cold...
    4. What beauty products do you always carry in your bag? I always, always have foundation, eye-liner (I use a kohl/liquid duo by Nyx that is really good), and mascara. I feel like I look awful without those three things, and it's very rare for me to leave the house without them.
    5. If money was no object, what would be your dream vacation (Max 3 places!)?For this, I am going to say Scotland, England, and Tokyo. Weird combination? Possibly, but I want to visit those three places so bad!
    6. Are there any beauty/nail products that are hard to find in your country? Well, I know that there are a ton of products that are very hard to find in my state. Pretty much anything of very high quality. 
    7. Which is your current favourite nail polish? Oh gosh, I don't know if I could choose. I'm going to have to go with Pretty Bitch, right now. I only have one polish (see my review on Cold As Ice), but the quality is second to none, and I just love it.
    8. What are your favourite TV shows to watch? Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Dexter, Sons Of Anarchy, American Horror Story, Orange Is The New Black, Supernatural... The list goes on...
    9. What is your current favourite perfume? Pretty much anything by Escada. Those have always been my favorites.
    10. What is your favourite animal? I'd be cheating on my dog if I didn't say chihuahuas are my favorite. 
    11. Do you have any pets? / If you could own any other pets what would you have? Yes! My puppy, Dexter! He's my sweet chi-baby. I've always wanted a horse. I used to horseback ride when I was younger and it was on of my favorite hobbies. Unfortunately, I live in a city and horses are expensive. Maybe someday!
    I have nominated:
    Phoebe of Pastel Polish
    Kristy of Nail of A Tale
    Kristy of Rainbow Phalanges
    Diana of Coloure My Obsessions

    My questions to the nominees are:
    1. What is your all-time favorite indie nail polish?
    2. Why did you decide to start your own blog?
    3. What is your favorite make-up/hair care/nail care product?
    4. What is your dream career?
    5. What is your favorite book or TV show?
    6. What era do you wish you were born in?
    7. What is your favorite food?
    8. Do you have an awesome beauty secret that you'd like to share with the world?
    9. Do you have any pets?
    10. Who introduced you to the indie polish world?
    11. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you live?
    Good luck, fellow bloggers! And a big thanks to Emma, again, for nominating me for this award! Thanks, Emma! 

    Be sure to comment the link to your award post so I can see your answers!

    1 comment:

    1. Hey, if you come to Scotland, I'll give you a tour! (I live here, and studied Tourism!! Haha). Thanks for doing the post, great answers! Dexter - cute name!!
